Earnings Calculator: Convert Net Income into GCI, Closings and Appointments for Real Estate Agents (FREE)

Michael Kilner
min read
Learn the industry standard approach for calculating your GCI and overall earnings and get free access to our Earnings Calculator.

How much money do you want to make this year? Whether you’re a solo agent, a team leader or an agent on a team, you probably have a goal for how much money you want to make. Maybe it’s $100,000, maybe it’s $250,000, maybe it’s a million. That’s great, the bigger the better! But the really important question is not how much do you want to make, but rather, what are the activities that will get you there?

How does it work

I’ve created a simple spreadsheet calculator to help you fill in those blanks. You’ll start with your net income goal, add some information about your commissions and conversion ratios, and soon enough, you’ll know how many conversations, appointments, client agreements, contracts and closings you need to make the money you deserve.

To download a copy of the earnings calculator, simply fill out this form and your download link will be on the following page.

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